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Long ago you may have been sworn to the service of a god or king, and part of that oath included gaurding a tomb or treasure past your natural lifespan. 3e "Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings." Such forces of evil who can control undead not made by them are especially dangerous as they can turn friends into foe with a whim, those whom where once part of mindless undead hordes may have to go through the trauma again. Hit 14 (1d6 +10) piercing damage plus 8 (2d6) necrotic damage. Before the archlich takes this action, it must choose either undead or non-undead creatures. Turned creatures must spend their turn trying to move away as far as possible from the archlich and cannot willing move to closer to it. 3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, fireball, stinking cloud* It is unknown who the real storefront owner is, but Mr. Bodoni hints that the shopkeeper is the one who discovered himand perhaps animated him in a dungeon years ago in a deadly trap. Dead Whisperer. You now take no damage from nonmagical attacks and are immune to the following conditions: charmed, exhaustion, frightened and paralyzed. Only half the damage (round down) suffered by a baelnorns sending is borne by the creature itself. An undead person might handle diseased bodies or refuse, or deal with poisoning vermin. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? and our Usually he will make the host doff off the armor. Lay on Hands. If you fall to 0 hit points again, you have advantage on death saving throws, if you die, you are no longer possessed. The Order does allow members to form seemingly independent adventuring parties with undead members, in hopes that having undead heroes will inspire people to have a better opinion of them, and to send a message to the evil undead and necromancers that they will not be representative of undead and necromancy. Either way you were carefully embalmed and preserved after death, and magic bound your soul to your corpse wherein you awaken when the living dare disturb the domain you protect. Anyone traveling with Tarian is not slowed down by difficult terrain, or cannot get lost except by magical means. I believe the OP just required a "non evil lich" not a good lich specifically. The possessing creature also has a time limit equal to the rest of the duration time of the spell before it was activated in addition to 1 hour. Some who aspire to become deathless but learn that it has a racial restriction that does not include their own race may become undead out of spite, but still retain a sense of justice that does not allow them to slip into evil. Perhaps she only has one year, or a few months and in that case that's also interesting from a roleplay point of view; because for all we know what awaits a lich after death is not pleasant in the least. Long Sword. Archliches understand that they may be targetted by do-gooder adventurers who belive them to be evil liches, or agents of gods who despise the undead, or worse gods or demon lords who despise undead who aren't under their influence. Are Lawful Evil Tiefling Paladins possible? Starting at page (xx) shows the basic undeath feat and templates of different undead types. 8th level (1 slot): demiplane, power word stun When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th or higher, you may also target living giants, monstrosities, and dragons. They agree to the reanimation, and to their astonishment, the adventurer is not a mindless husk, but a well-preserved and fully sentient zombie with her soul and mind intact. In this document, the word "sentient" is used in its original meaning, which is to describe a being that is conscious even at a basic level, which in most fantasy worlds applies to all beings with a soul. [6] Sustained by magic, younger baelnorns appeared largely as they had in life, if somewhat taller, but with immediate yet subtle clues to their nature, such as their glowing white eyes and shriveled skin[2] which turned slightly translucent over time. If your hand is also thrown, alone or with your arm, it can move back to you at a speed of 10 ft. In Forgotten Realms, baelnorn are elves who are bestowed undeath by their gods, even good-alined ones to be guardians of their families, artifacts, or knowledge. She has no knowledge of the outside world except that she notices the change in attire and speaking of the intruders that come into the tomb. He lived a steady life of toiling fields, praying for abundant harvests, and hunted for food on the side. You take 10 radiant damage when you start your turn in sunlight. Tarian could only cryor at least try to cry upon the ruins of his home, his family. The paladin is a 3rd-level spellcaster. A person who wishes to be an eternal bulwark against evil may see cloning as an unreliable method of persisting due to the 120 day gap between bodies or that it gives no additional durability. Alternatively, Nyx can expend 5 hit points from the pool to cure a target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. Wizards that seek lichdom must make bargains with fiends, evil gods, or other foul entities. This continues in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels. Such undead stay in abandoned places that they can call their domain, but their aura might catch the attention of do-gooder clerics and paladins. Some spells that center around one's self do not damage the caster such as thunderwave and arms of Hadar, so it would not turn the undead caster, but might risk turning any undead allies. The Knights of the Restless have to remain hidden in most parts of the world due to the already high stigma placed on undead in many places, so they do operate in cells and smaller groups dedicated to to their cause in a local area. Many of spirits venerated are those of deceased ancestors. Such undead cannot be made if the soul has already been taken by the outer planes. A baelnorn is a fictional undead creature, usually a spellcaster, in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game . If all negative energy were wiped out, biological processes would accelerate to the point were complex life could not exist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. You regain consciousness the next turn after this spell activates. Since your DM forbade the lich on the grounds that it's evil, and given that you are asking in the first place, it sounds like they are open to non-standard races for PCs. 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, lesser restoration, zone of truth Said necromancer was surrounded by so many undead minions, the fact that one ghoul was too busy feasting on a nearby dead hill giant was of no concern to him, so the undead army marched on to destroy the city. You count as an undead creature and take the resistances and weaknesses the possessing creature has. The knowledge of baelnorn is next to nonexistent outside elven communities, among the reasons being that hardly anyone else believes such seemingly absurd tales not just of good-aligned liches but ones that are holy and created by good-aligned gods. There, they continue vigilantly taking care of ancient objects and knowledge. Depending on the setting, some good-aligned gods have occasionally had good-aligned undead servants, namely baelnorns and archliches. Undead Fortitude. The lair of an archlich depends greatly on what it pursues in unlife, whether an existence of solitude on arcane research or and existence watching over the living. Fortunately they had heard his intentions and sorrow already, so he was able to reveal his state to them, and they in turn agreed he could be an asset to them. Negative energy may not even required to animate the dead. If you do not meet half your blood requirement at the end of each week, you suffer 2 levels of exhaustion, if you do not meet your full blood requirement you suffer 1 level of exhaustion. Loved ones die off, connections to the living world start to rot, years pass by like minutes. Adventurers who attack evil necromancers and undead overlords will do their best to also distinguish between undead that are evil, and those who can be freed from control. My undeath is a shield from my past life. In most D&D settings, no, there cannot be a non-evil lich because nearly-all undead are innately evil and the lich in particular is generally well known for being super-evil. If a magical effect is made to exclude undead from its effects such as antilife shell, they still do not count as undead. Like non-evil undead, there can be ways to work around aspects of such necromancy that may be considered evil, consider the following adjustments to reanimating depending on how reanimation works in your setting: Mindless undead minions do not have the souls of the deceased nor entropic energies, they are little different from constructs except they are animated from the echoes of life in the way the speak with dead spell does. Personality Traits: I relish it when my enemy is scared of me. Your Intelligence and Constitution scores recover after you have eaten your fill. Mr. Bodoni does seem to remember who he was before he died, but does not wish to speak of it. Lay on Hands. If any bonuses cancel each other out or stack, just replace them with the undead type's ability score bonus. Slightly Closer to Life. Let us, for a moment, imagine a process whereby someone in a near-modern scenario might accomplish the purpose of becoming a lich. lf she takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of her next turn. The reanimated creature regains its maximum hitpoints after finishing a long rest. He can also move through magical difficult terrain that deals necrotic damage with no extra movement costs and advantage on saving throws against damage; he does not get damaged on a success. Many class features assume that the player character is alive and would benefit from things that undead already benefit from such as immunity to poison. Death knights who seek the path to redemption find their abilities may change to reflect their path. The church grim can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. Likewise forcing a soul back to the afterlife can be tantamount to killing the being again and be treated as such. Becoming an archlich is not just an act of gaining power, but an act of devotion and sacrifice for a greater purpose. A non-evil necromancer knows the better way is to bargain and negotiate with them. Older baelnorn lost most of their hair, bulk, and even skin, appearing as little more than skeletons, although they would not degrade further than this. You give relief to an undead creature that is under constant agony due to its condition such as a spectre. When Torrendra concentrates on a conjuration spell, her concentration cannot be broken as a result of taking damage. It might not be canon to the setting provided by Wizards of the Coast for 5e DnD, but they make their living creating new settings, nothing is stopping you from creating one of your own. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. If your undead type comes with new attacks or abilities, remove your characters racial spellcasting and/or additional attacks that are magical (such as Draconic Breath but not Sharp Claws.) This procedure is done in the city of Nocturnus, which is a necropolis of undead located in the Shadowfell that allows living visitors but not living residents, any living resident who wants to live in Nocturnus must become a necropolitan first. However, it was possible that some records may have persisted in Evermeet or Evereska. Putting Skaven from Warhammer into D&D 5e v2.0. Although you have died, you remain clinging to the world of the living. Many members of this order pass themselves off as regular hunters of the undead and often do hunt down non-sentient or evil undead. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Mr. Bodoni can disattach a limb he is not using at the moment such as a leg, arm, or even just a hand, and wield it as a melee weapon that causes bludgeoning damage. Hit 10 (3d6) force damage. A scenario in which evil and non-evil undead must ally with one another is if under threat from forces who enforce the natural order of death, such as from gods of death who adamantly loathe all undead no matter the alignment. The soul may be reluctant to return if too much of its body is missing. Any undead creature who consumes the berry is restored 1 hitpoint. They were called spartoi in legend, but the name still applied to skeletal undead created by a ritual that either was the one in the legend, or inspired by the legend, which came first is lost to history. After all, much of life depends on deathliving organisms that cannot produce their own energy and biological material must take it from another organism. You gain a claw attack that counts as an unarmed melee weapon attack in which you have proficiency with. Most spartoi are proud to continue serving their lands or lords even in undeath. Protection. But would you call Dexter a character who is of "Good" Alignment? Laws and freedom are meaningless without purpose. Keyword(s) It soon learns to discern potential threats and eavsdrop on the conversations of visitors. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. A transhumanist existence would become something inhuman, as much of the human condition and even human psychology and thinking involved being embodied and one with ones biological processes. Your reasons vary, from needing more time to accomplish something, dedicating yourself to a cause, or simply the fear of the fate of your soul in the afterlife. Some living members do seek to become undead themselves, but many find that the prejudice is a barrier and many feel that their cause is best served while alive. Unlikely Ally. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Classes Special Classes, You can only equip spectral copies of what you wore or carried when you died. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action. points, it can use a reaction as its legendary action to make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 5+ the damage taken. Any living creature that eats the berry must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw and take 1d6 poison damage and be poisoned for the next 12 hours on a failure. In most societies, undead who co-exist with the living must hide their undead nature or face terrible consequences. Most baelnorns, however, preferred to avoid combat if possible. Your body can now rejuvenate after death. Some who are more well-versed in lore may recall a few scattered appearances of archliches and baelnorn. Eternally Vigilant. If the spartoi is not killed in this state, it rises up with 10 hit points after 1 minute or if animate dead is cast on it. A vampire character may one be able to turn into mist once a night, may not have great strength or dexterity, but also be able to have some limited time in the sun. If you were already undead, you simply regain control of your body. It may seem cowardly or selfish to deny death to some, but others would insist its only a natural or a well-deserved reaction depending on what goes on the outer planes. [4] Abilities A baelnorn retained all memories, personality traits, and abilities from life, but had a virtual eternity to hone and develop its skills further. As long as you have kept your oath to the deity granting you undeath, you are resurrected in 3d10 days as if having had the Resurrection spell cast upon you. Upon reaching zero hit points, the deity you made your sacred oath has the option to give your life back to you in another place in their domain. You can continue gaining levels in this class as long as you maintain your oath with the deity. Obviously it's up to your GM to accept it.. or not =). They are lifelike creatures that appear as tall, impressive-looking elves with shriveled skin and glowing white eyes. Personality Traits: I will be a walking warning to those who raise the dead to be their minions. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Incorporeal Movement. He likes killing, but does so within the constraints of "but they deserved it" and won't harm someone who the 'Law' says does not deserve to die. They could theoretically be souls that good people might even line up and thank the Lich for removing. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the baelnorn can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; the baelnorn can't use the same effect two rounds in a row: The baelnorn rolls a d8 and regains a spell slot of that level or lower. Shortbow. The baelnorn may also attempt to summon one shambling mound with a 40 percent chance of success. The undead creature would count as living creatures for any magical effects that specifically target undead after gaining a few levels. The guardian spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. This is why this guide exists and it is particular to D&D because many official settings can be more or less rigid about the alignment and motivations of the undead and the magic that creates them. Due to this difference, the abilities and characteristics of an archlich slightly differ. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw of be knocked prone. You have advantage on saving throws against attempts to turn you using Turn Undead, as well as any spells or abilities that can specifically ward or trap undead such as magic circle. The projection cannot attack (but may still cast spells that deal damage) or carry solid objects. Third is to have divine backing be official, to have a god represent non-evil undead. An undead creature powered through raw arcane power might gain levels in sorcerer but can suffer ill effects if using too much magic. A targeted creature may choose to fail its saving throw if it wishes. Liches are immensely powerful evil creatures only encountered at the end of a long, high level campaign.

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