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After 3 minutes, compare the fizzing status of each Pop Rocks & liquid combo. (verse 17), Youth Bible Lesson: Face Your Fears! Psalm 34, Youth Bible Lessons: The Wedding Invitation Matthew 22, Unique Object Lesson on Prayer Examines Thanksgiving, Adoration, Requests, and Repentance, Simple Forgiveness Object Lesson brings Prayer, the Cross, and the Holy Spirit to Life, Object Lesson on Faith Can you imagine walking on water? In summary, God tells Moses to Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites (Numbers 13:2 NIV). But even though God desires it for us, many of us dont achieve it because of fear. These women also experienced fear at various times in their lives just like we do. #2 God knows what is going on in my life. On the other hand, Elisha, who was not fearful told his servant dont be afraidThose who are with us are more than those who are with them (2 Kings 6:16 NIV). Be creative with what you choose to go in the box. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Not knowing whats happening causes fear and for some reason, as humans, we think of the worst-case scenario even though it may be the least likely. Their video lesson previews are available for both the Life and Explore Series materials. Jesus pulled away to spend some time with God (Mark 1:29-35). Can you imagine living every day with that level of fear? You can trust Him. Do not be afraid? How is that even possible? I have a bubbly personality. Have some fun with this; maybe describe something much more gross than whats inside. 8. Its your daily life. It is no surprise, then, that the Bible talks a lot about fear and being afraid. I dont know if I can get through this. When we look at the Scriptures and begin tosee how God empowered normal average people like you and I, the Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and strengthens us and gives us courage that we didnt know we had. (Steve Hixon, pastor). No doubt, some of them, if not all, had something on their bodies that sagged! Apply the 4 truths to your situation. 5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. Introduction: How many of you are human here? GENTLE does not mean passive, weak, or someone who cannot help herself. Line up the plastic cups so everyone can see them. She was never threatened that way, but she was friendly and outgoing. Take pictures of the youths faces as they eat the beans to have a hilarious photo collage. Then after Elisha prayed, the Lord opened the servants eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17 NIV). Show them the bowl of eggs. 1. Some of the strongest biblical characters experienced it initially but conquered it. Is there anything that needs to change to make sure these things in your life dont become like the sticky syrup, taking up space that Christ could fill. How you choose to live daily. We think to ourselves, Nothings going to work. 11. *This is a guest post by Lindsey Whitney from Growing Kids Ministry. Use this object lesson to teach students the importance of sharing their personal stories of redemption. Yet our God had mercy on us and made a way for us to be counted righteous again, through Jesus dying on the cross. Place one of each of the items in each box. Show the students Psalm 28:7a. Now I am actually a Sunday schooll teacher. How did you make room in your cup for more water? Then through Gods power, he miraculously provided food for her, her family, and himself (1 Kings 17:13-15). A humble, peaceful heart makes it easier for us to face troubles without panic and hysteria and to choose to trust in the faithfulness of God. So, God knows what is going on in your life. I share more about our fear of doing what God gave us the ability to do in my article 3 Lessons To Learn From The Call of Moses. Don't feel awkward about it. Second, I gave them a spoonful of baked beans. Like Moses in The Bible, I was also fearful but have since overcome. Church? I experienced an imagined fear as my youngest daughter was growing up. He is capable of doing anything He chooses to do that is in agreement with His character and His purposes. Just as Christ rebukes the storm in our Bible story (Matthew. For the purposes of this study, your choice involves moving away from fear and toward faith. These things are dangerous and God gives us an appropriate fear to avoid death. The material for Halloween is really helping me to teach children the truth about scary situations. He proved himself to be fearless and confident in the power of God many times, yet there was a moment that he became fearful. 17 The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. Put a plastic spoon in each cup for feeding the taste testers later on. Think how a womans hysterics affect those around herfamily, friends, and coworkers. 1. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Thanks for sharing. Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. In the fog of fear, we often look to the wrong things to bring us peace and comfort. You can freely license our resources under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. In the midst of all the Go, Go, Go! I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, Fill each cup about 1/8 of the way with one of the three liquids, making sure there is an equal amount of liquid in each cup. When we hear the weird sounds and dont get a reply to our hellos, imagination kicks in and we fear the worst. Gods joy is far greater and more powerful than any fear we can experience in life. You could be afraid of the dark, being alone, clowns, bugs, or the fear of something happening to someone you love. It will help the kids in your group do two things: own their fears by sharing them with the group and disown their fears by surrendering them to Jesus. Jesus applied Gods name I am to Himself (John 4:26; 8:59). Why is it hard to give our fears over to God? It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. Required fields are marked *. Elisha knew something his servant didnt know and that made his servant fearful but Elisha not. Repeat this process, preparing enough cups for each group of students to have one set. This was their walk from fear to faith. (Anyone up for a sour patch kid?) When we look at life just with our own eyes, we become fearful, pessimistic, & negative. It instructs us to take some protective action. What are some other things people may be afraid of? Fear is a natural first reaction that we shouldnt let confine us. 2023 LeaderTreks Youth Ministry. Give students a few minutes to share more fears. Turbulent teenage years often bring doubts and uncertainties. Our website has teaching material for children of all aged starting with the church nursery (age 0-1 years old), toddlers (age 2-3 years old), preschool (age 4-5 years old), young elementary (age 6-8 years old), older elementary (age 9-10 years old), and preteen youth ministry groups (age 11-12 years old). It is no surprise, then, that the Bible talks a lot about fear and being afraid. He showed us that by dying on the cross to rescue us from our sins. We explained that, today, we are focusing on fear, and discussing that. OBJECT LESSON done by Dr. Mark Jackson using a candle, fire and snuffer to show how faith is always able to overcome fear. Why do you think these qualities in a woman would be so precious of great worth to God? Galatians 3:2628 says, For in Christ Jesusyou are all sons of God, through faith. And not only that, He will strengthen us. 15 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help. adroll_current_page = "other"; The lessons are: Lets look at each of these lessons in detail. As we study each of these womenour mentors, well see that during her faith walk, a loving God said no to some things. It tells us to take precautions, to be wise in our dealings with strangers and strange situations. Tell them theyre all hard boiled except for 1 raw egg. So, have you surrendered your fear to God? 20 For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; 21 Calamity will surely destroy the wicked. The Bible then says When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. God wants us to be successful. Prayer has the ability to change things in our lives. For me, a real fear is meeting a snake in my woodsy yard while gardening. I have a wonderful church family, but we are not always able to obtain teaching material. Bible teacher Jill Briscoe has often said, Women are a fear-driven, performance-oriented species. Just watching the daily news can panic us. Each week, they provide an insightful walk through this week's scriptures and provide concrete Bible-to-life application points for you to make with your class this Sunday. Optional: You can use our free Halloween Coloring page or Armor of God coloring pages along with this lesson. Cut a hole big enough for a hand to fit through. Tape a plastic bag over the hand-hole, and make a horizontal and vertical slit in the plastic so that you can stick your hand through, but cant see whats inside the box. Check out the possibility of serving with us! Our American way of thinking is this: we can fix itwhatever IT is. Here are the ground rules: God created this world and us in perfect harmony, designed to be connected with him forever. Learning Activity #2: Trust Toss Game After the games were done, we got our chairs into a circle and read Psalm 34 together. Instead of being paralyzed in our fears, we want to walk in your joy. Use this free youth group lesson to teach students that when they experience fear, God is on their side. Fear has to do with the idea that you're alone and helpless, which is a slap in the face to a God who died to be with you forever. 18. Still others are afraid of chopsticks, numbers, and certain fabrics. ), what would you want to be sure to include? Plus, He tells us why we don't have to be afraidbecause He is with us! Did the things other groups came up with surprise you? He is the author of Input/Output: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life and routinely teaches at his church Chapel On The Hill where he is serving as an Elder and Youth Director. Our faithful God understands this about us. See how many coins they can collect in 2 minutes. On your second sheet of paper, write out the story you told with your emojis. Gentleness and peace are the fruit of the Holy Spirits work (Gal. It feeds off our lack of knowledge and so we must fight fear by learning as much as we can. Once everyones tasted, have them guess what they just ate. Discovering a . Box filled with scary/gross items such as sardines, crickets, play spiders or bugs, rubber snake, a baby doll (which to some is very scary! (Some to add might be: being alone, what others think of you, not having enough food.). The first student to receive the ball should say the verse and toss it to a friend. What was something that you were really afraid of as a small child? Thank you for sharing your ideas! God. She is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and now lives in West Chicago, Illinois with her husband, Doug, and their dog, Read More, By Guest Contributor on September 9, 2015. Use this object lesson to help students discover their inability to fix the problem of their own sin and teach on Gods abundant grace. This object lesson about tr. Yet, she chose to trust Him rather than submit to fear. Depending on how many eggs, teams and players you have, have teams send up either 1 or multiple players to play this game. As a result, they started painting their own shields. In life we will always have busyness. When we look to God for help, not only does He help us with our situation, He gives us His self. God is with you.. In the Old Testament, youll find the phrase the LORD your God or the LORD our God at least 500 times. Oh no, my lord! (Or have pre-cut shields ready.)3. But, what is faith? To fear Him will always be for our good - Deuteronomy 6:24. You do not face those things alone. The more you are afraid, the less you live the life that God has for you. And it can cause us to do some pretty crazy things, too. What is important to you? One night the king ordered men to go capture Elisha the prophet. Lesson 2: Fear of Missing Out. and those who hate the righteous will be punished. So let me ask you: What are you afraid of today? 9. We ask that not only would you take away these fears, but that you would replace them with your joy. Others run. Through a study of multiple verses on fear and faith, students willanswer honest questionsabout the subject. Is anything impossible for the Lord? Not knowing if the future would work out, especially in the case of refugee or immigrant families whose permission to be in a country is in jeopardy sometimes. Have you ever felt terrified? At the end of the day, Elijah, The Israelites, and Esther got through the situations they feared. Maybe you can remember lying in bed as a small child and being so afraid that the shadows on the walls were monsters, or being afraid of the dark. These may sound like silly fears to us, but to some people, these fears are real! All are Saints for "All Saints" After Halloween Lesson from Matthew 5:1-12, Lesson: Why Do Bad Things Happen? Many of us are angry because we expect God to never allow us to be afraid. Hiding Gods Word in our hearts will help us when we need it most. The Cross And Separation From The World (1 Peter 4:1-6), 7. You are part of that world that God loves. Were also recommending our readers check it out for Nothing to Fear Day on May 27th. You know that feeling. I am going to read each of these fears again, and after each one, I want you to say these words: Do not fear. Faith is a hard concept for kids, youth or even adults to wrap our minds around. It was first prepared for a Childrens Church setting, but would work well as a Sunday School lesson also. 4. If you search the Bible, the word Fear is mentioned 326 times. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. You should end up with Cup 1 holding one inch of water and Cup 2 filled to the top with water with a one-inch layer of syrup sitting on the bottom. In 1 Peter 3, Sarah represents several other everyday women who lived in Old Testament days who put their hope in God and found Him worthy of their trust. Select a handful of students in your group at random, or if the group is small enough have everyone participate. Very good and inspirational article. What was the hardest part? We all struggle with being afraid. When we allow fear to drive our actions, we are missing out on the opportunities God has for us. These things: Do not fear. (Psalm 46:2a) Rejection, shame, and abandonment can make us fearful. When God asks you to take risks and have courage, remember all the He has promised you. Use this lesson to show Junior High students that when we give God our fear, He gives us His joy. God gave us the emotion of fear. What should we fear? Maybe you are afraid of love ordisappointing someone. On your phone, pick the emojis you want and put them in the right order. But David writes that when we ask God for help with our fears, he does more than just make us happy, Joy can be defined as an emotion acquired by the anticipation, acquisition, or even the expectation of something great or wonderful.. Learn more about Esther and her risking her life in my article 10 Life Lessons From The Book of Esther. The last lesson Ill share on fear in The Bible is that fear will keep you from succeeding in life. Lets investigate today. Even though these women lived years ago, they were still women like we are. You and I can do the same. When we have His power within us, we can have the strength to overcome our biggest fears. I guess I thought she was more vulnerable than my older, more cautious daughter. Football? Pray about your fears and decisions you are making to trust God in them. What will be your story? Say something like: Everyone should get into groups of 3-5, and each group should have a pen and a piece of paper. Will your daily walk follow Gods way of approaching life or the worlds way? Well if you are human (and I do believe all of you are), you are going to struggle with being afraid. God longs that we should fear Him - Deuteronomy 5:29. Truth #4: You can trust His goodness in whatever He chooses to do. His name is Yahweh. Its the name by which God wished to be known and worshiped in Israel and by Israel, and it means, I am. This name expressed His character as constant, dependable and faithful. Put optional supplies (large dish or towel, wipes) on tables if youre using them. Read these verses again. Related Topics: Faith, Women, Women's Articles, Melanie Newton is the founder of Joyful Walk Ministries, an online ministry that helps women learn to study the Bible for themselves and grow their Bible-teaching skills to lead others on a joyful walk with Jesus. Pray for God to take away that fear and replace it with His joy. (Tough Questions Kids Ask #3), "Blessed are the Meek" Sunday School Lesson, Lesson: God made YOU special! Bible Study Topic: Respect Scripture Text: 1 Peter 2:17 Fear robs kids of joy and peace, making them feel utterly powerless. Trueway teens - Free printable Bible lessons for Teens - Constantly looking for new ways to study the Bible with your youth at home or at church?We have a variety of Bible studies for preteens and teens that are fun and interactive.Our free printable Bible lessons for youth include: Bible study notes, discussion questions, worksheets (such as word search, crosswords and puzzles.) Your stomach gets all queasy. The trick with this game is that a good tasting bean and a bad tasting bean look the same and you can only tell the difference once you bite into the bean. We know you're busy serving students, so we are here to serve you. These were everyday women, just like we are. Animals also symbolized character traits. In your group try to come up with a list of five things that you all have in common (places youve visited, details about your families, etc.) The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18, (Jesus love for us is perfect. Thank you for making this available. Bottom Line: God measures success by His perspective. ), Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing. Psalm 34:9, (If we trust God more than we fear the world, we show Him honor and love. These enable a woman to do what is right and not give way to fear (verse 6). How much does your orange reflect the way it looked before you took it apart? JUNIOR HIGH MINISTRY LESSON ON FEAR Written by Brian Preiser DOWNLOAD PDF OF THIS LESSON Bible: Psalm 34:4-5 Bottom Line: Jesus can turn our fear into joy. Your email address will not be published. Instead of making the poor teacher peel all of them, wed like you guys to take two minutes and peel all of the oranges and then pull apart the slices. ), For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13, (He helps us. How does it make you feel knowing that God is with you? 16 But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth. LeaderTreks Youth Ministry is a youth worker's best friend - we want to support, encourage, and love on you, and we want to make your life easier when it comes to discipleship and leadership development. We were not designed to do life alone, but instead to have God with us every step of the way. And each of us responds to fear in different ways. We cant do it on our own. Did you notice that faith is related to confidence? We still have a personal God. Playing an instrument? Were excited to release a new 4-week youth group series helping students overcome their fears! Then we revealed what theyd been touching and I had them go wash their hands. It is possible to remove most of the syrup using the straws, but it will be messy and sticky, because the syrup will cling to every surface it touches. As His children, we can trust Him because He is a good Dad., There is no fear in love. Lesson focus: This lesson reviews the story of "doubting Thomas" and the post-resurrection appearance of Jesus. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. As if his presence with us isnt enough, he also gives us strength. No! Gripped by fear, although an imagined one. My favorite biblical example of this is when God promised the Israelites a land of their own but because of fear, some of them didnt enter it. This confidence pleases Him. But like it says in Luke 18:18-30: What is impossible with man is possible with God., You can find 5 more activities in our post Youth Group Activities with a Message., Angie Franklin is the Director of Operations at LeaderTreks and has worked in youth ministry since 2000. Read 1 Peter 3:3-6. Are there any similarities between the orange in front of you and the effects of sin on your life? Rock-a-Bye Baby: Moses - God is a refuge for His people. He promises to strengthen us and help us. Scripture: Romans 9:1-5. When we experience anxiety or fear, the enemy can try to use it as an opportunity to make us feel guilt or shame. 8 Free Printable Bible Lessons for Youth 1. adoption printable lesson Download "Core Sample Lesson: Adopted" First Name* Email* By downloading you agree to receive future communication from us. This verse says that when David prayed for God to take away His fears, He did. God is everywhere and knows everything. Students will react to what they feel, and think it is much scarier than what it truly is. Once all three have felt the insides of the box, ask each of them what they think it is. Because God is with us. When we become afraid, we are quick to want to conquer our fear in our own strength. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned. The main takeaway after watching the video that we shared with our class was this: In the video, the contestant just had to keep singing no matter what happened to her. Rather, it means controlled strength. Picture a mother cradling a newborn. Our God is all-powerful. Play music (the scarier the better) and start passing the Box of Fear. 14. Joy is that feeling of weight being lifted off of your shoulders. As a result, you are reading this article. This Bible lesson is part 1 or 3 for teenagers on the topic of identity. Just before you end the group, show them this video (Killer Karaoke) where the contestants have to keep singing, no matter what fears they face! Is there really anything that we should be afraid of when we have God with us? This happens in spite of our experiences overcoming fearful situations in the past. Blindfold the participant and have them reach their hand into the box remember, they have no idea whats inside! When we cannot fix it, we panic. At one time, they were 20-somethings, then 40-somethings, then 60-somethings and maybe more. Are you prone to hysterics? Some things that cause our students to be fearful are things we ourselves would never be afraid of. What motivates you. Main Points. As women in general, what kind of life experiences for them might have been the same as your own life experiences? Many times in the New Testament we see situations where people are sick and are in need of healing. Wow! Sometimes our fears are more of a matter of perspective than actually something to be afraid of. Every kids church ministry deserves the very best resources for teaching Gods Word, even when they dont have the financial resources. Then have someone from each team be the feeder and sit down across the table from their teammate. Even if you were able to make room, that syrup was really clingy and made a big mess. This is why David wrote that he prayed to God, and then he was freed from his fears. 9. Hes saying, Heres why you dont have to be terrified and paralyzed by your fear. We are to face our troubles without panic and hysteria. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you through this lesson. The winner is whoever guesses the most boxes correctly. Try to keep this short, and dont include anything people couldnt get from only looking at your icons. Your challenge is to create an emoji testimony. That means no permission is needed as long as you credit this in the final work. We become people who feel, I dont know if that can work. Situations come up in life that naturally causes us to be so. She sent a message back to Mordecai saying: All the kings officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. Now this list of what we fear would also change depending on where we are in life or what type of community we live in. There are 3 lessons we can learn about fear in The bible. We have arranged a special one-month free trial of their videos for anyone who . What is causing you fear today? There are so many amazing ways to teach your youth about fear and to get them to open up! 3 key Bible verses about overcoming fear for kids In Isaiah, God commands us not to fear. Thank you a lot ! Your ideas presented spurn us to expand on the lesson! Allow the crowd to be involved as well, as many of them will react based off of the students reaction playing the game. It does mean tranquility arising from within and includes the idea of causing no disturbance to others. 16. but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. A woman with a gentle spirit has a humble heart that bows itself before God, recognizes Gods dealings with her as good, and chooses not to be contentious or resistant against Him. For example, some people have what is called Acerophobia, which is the fear of foods being sour. By faith, what did these women receive? Bible Verses: Philippians 4:11, John 10:10, Matthew 6:33. How does having a strong connection with God (one that doesnt fizzle out fast) help you face the busyness of life.

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